Sunday 25 May 2014

Korean Speaking Contest and RedbullBCOne

Hi! Today is a lazy rainy day (which honestly are my favourite!), and I'm relaxing after a really rather busy week! This week started off on a really bad note with me falling over and smashing my face on the ground, which meant I got to see what a Korean hospital was like (very nice incidentally, with much shorter waiting times than in England!). Luckily my injuries were just superficial and they're healing nicely!

This week we also had the English and Korean speaking contests, which were great fun! Everyone put on a short presentation displaying their skills in either English or Korean, either with presentations, songs, poems or other things. Tommy and I decided to act out a really daft scene from a Korean drama where the girl realises that the boy she liked was actually a high school student. We decided to switch it up and make me the boy and Tommy the girl (because it's just more fun that way!). We actually managed to get third place! I definitely wasn't expecting that, but I was so happy!

Winners of the Korean Contest! (I'm hiding in the line up somewhere!)

We all got a rose and a certificate (the rose dripped water on my certificates cover!)

Yesterday a group of us went on an outing to Seoul to go to RedBullBCOne to watch the bboys battle. It was great fun, even though we were standing on couches and tables to see over people! I know absolutely nothing about dance or bboys, but it was awesome to watch, sometimes I couldn't actually believe that humans could move like that!

I forgot my camera so here's the event poster instead!

Although last week was super duper busy this week is going to be busier! On Thursday I'll be hopping on a plane with a few of my friends to spend a long weekend in Osaka! I've never been to Japan before and I'm incredibly excited!

On a really sad note my time in Korea is coming to an end far quicker than I would like! In just under 7 weeks I'll be back in England, I don't want to leave!

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